A financing roadmap to build the green hydrogen economy

About the event
Countries are being asked to come forward with ambitious 2030 emissions reductions targets that align with reaching net zero by the middle of the century. To deliver on these stretching targets, countries will need to accelerate the phase-out of coal and encourage investment in renewables, amongst other measures. The development of a green hydrogen economy will be crucial to achieve those targets, especially in hard to abate sectors.
Green financing will play a crucial role by increasing the level of financial flows from the public and private sectors to the emerging green hydrogen industry. The side-event will bring together high-level public authorities in a challenging and open dialogue, and an international exchange of best practices mainly from the financing perspective.
Watch the event recording
Hon. Tom Alweendo - Minister of Mines and Energy, Namibia
Carlos Manuel Rodriguez - CEO and Chairperson, Global Environment Facility
Francesco La Camera - Director General, IRENA
Juan Carlos Jobet - Minister of Energy and Mining, Chile
Diego Mesa - Minister of Energy and Mining, Colombia
Todd Clewett - Director of Global Affairs, Fortescue Future Industries
Kieran Coleman - Manager, RMI

How to attend
This event will take place on Wednesday, November 3,
18:15 - 19:45 GMT.
A broadcast link will be added here on the day of the event.
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