Conserving wildlife for people and planet

Saturday, December 10, 16:00 - 17:00 ET


Illegal wildlife trade is a global challenge and major threat to biodiversity. This event will showcase how through the Global Wildlife Program participating governments are strengthening their national efforts to combat illegal wildlife trade, demand reduction and behavior change, bolster wildlife law enforcement capacity, and promote wildlife-based economies. Panelists will include representatives from governments, the World Bank, non-governmental organizations, and the GEF Secretariat.  


Lisa Farroway - GWP Coordinator, World Bank
Adriana Moreira - Co-Lead, Wildlife Program; Latin America Regional Coordinator; GEF
Hannah Fairbanks - Co-Lead, Wildlife Program; Asia Regional Coordinator; GEF
Urvashi Narain - Nature-based Tourism Lead, World Bank
Marthin Kasaona - Deputy Director, Central Regions, Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism, Namibia